In these days I can sort of see how technology becomes a part of you. When ever I'm not familiar with something I can look it up on the Internet. The computer can almost become part of my thinking process. In the book Feed Titus describes the old feeds as your own lungs that you had to carry around because the feed was not being implanted into your head yet. I think this showed how much more our computers could become a part of us in the future; they could basically become part of our body.
The Feed not only gives them all of their information it also tells them what to think. The Feed has ads that tell them what to buy. These ads are pretty much like what we see every single day on TV, we hear them on the radio, pop up ads on the computer. The people in this book are addicted to consuming because there is always something better coming out on their Feeds. There is always something better than you already have. It's the exact same thing with ipods these days. You buy the newest prettiest ipod and then 6 months later there's something else better and prettier so you go out and buy that one when you "old" one works fine. I think living the consumeristic society in Feed they held less value to things in the past and there is definitely more of a value towards what is new.
So the question is how can we resist the feed? And I think the answer for that question is easier said than done. Pretty much everything I consume I consume because I've heard on advertisements that it's great and I should have the pleasure of having it. So I think the only way anyone can resist the Feed is by thinking for yourself instead of listening to the little voice of ads in your head.
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